Fight the Hive


Every day is a good day to fight

Racial Guilt is Sh$t

…but not according to the Hive…

If you happen to be white, did you know you are guilty? That’s right, guilty. Of what, you are probably asking…well, of being white.

Say what?

Yes, you are guilty because of the skin you were born with. No charges. No trial. No appeal. You were guilty the day the doctor slapped your bottom.

But I did not do anything you might ask. I never committed a crime or hurt anyone.

What does that have to with anything? You were born guilty. That sure saves money on lawyers, judges, and courts.

Now, you may think this is a joke…and of course, it is. But it’s not a joke to the Hive. Not by a long shot.

Ask yourself this, as a white person, are you guilty because a white person across town committed a crime against a non-white person? Should you write a check or go to jail?

Of course not. The idea is absurd…

…but not according to the Hive…

You are responsible because you share that person’s skin pigment.

If that notion is not crazy enough for you the Hive is stating white Americans, and Europeans,  should be held responsible for acts committed by long dead white people from hundreds of years ago.

But why?

It’s the oldest reason in the world…Social Just-, okay, I just spit my coffee on my screen typing that last part…of course it’s Money! Money! Money!

Every time you hear their insanity, the last sentence they spew includes a demand for money. And we’re not talking about buying someone a cup of coffee. They want TRILLIONS. In their depraved mind every penny you earn belongs to them because its ‘stolen money.’

The Hive, in their sick campaign to divide and fracture society, have created inane concepts like, “white guilt” and “white fragility”, that any eight year old can see through in about 5 seconds. Unfortunately, most drones and workers in the hive are dumber than an eight year old. They’ve actually bought into it. Some buy into it enthusiastically. These are mostly Democrats who feel guilty that the Democratic party of the 19th Century was the slavery party, that fought against civil rights, and created the KKK. Like male pattern baldness, their sins get passed on genetically from generation to the next generation, forever.

Old saying: A fool and their money are soon parted.

But I digress.

But wait, should Egyptians be held responsible for holding Jews as slaves 5,000 years ago? How about the Africans who enslaved whites?  (The author of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, was a slave for 5 years.)

Of course not. (Even the Hive doesn’t support that since Jews are mostly white, and Egyptians are not)

Like most things that come out of the Hive, this idea is stupid and dangerous and will only lead to a bad outcome for everyone. Suppose you are of mixed race? Are you an oppressor or the oppressed? They’ll get back to you on that. You can be sure their answer will be dumber than a bag of hammers.

If you go back far enough in human history every group, at one time or another, have been both the exploiter, and the exploited. Watch videos of black activists when they find out some of their ancestors were white and owned slaves. Good times.

So, where does it end? It won’t if the Hive has its way. Perpetual grievance and conflict is their first commandment because it puts money in their pockets. Some companies build cars, computers, or skyscrapers. The Grievance Industry extorts money. Like all Hive societies, they do not create, they destroy. It takes months to plant and harvest a field of wheat. It only takes days for a swarm (hive) of locusts to consume it.

Well, count me out. They won’t get one dime from me.

I’m responsible for my own sins and will not be held accountable for someone else’s. Certainly not for people who are long dead, and who were overwhelmingly Democrats.

So what to do?

The next time someone delivers their message of white guilt tell them they are entitled to nothing more from you than to be a decent, stand up person. And if that person feeding you this garbage is white you tell them to write a check and hand it over to some minority person with their apology. I have none to offer because I have nothing to apologize for. Have a nice day.

Fight the Hive.